6 Landing Page Tips to Drive Sales and Reach New Customers (Infographic)

The first thing a customer sees when they go to your website is the landing page. That’s why it’s crucial to make sure your landing page not only looks great but makes people want to buy. A recent survey by Unbounce, which analyzed data from more than 18,600 landing pages, uncovered the key components that make customers click.

Related: Why You Need a Stellar Landing Page to Convert Prospects

For starters, the more focused and straightforward your landi ng page is, the more clicks it will get. According to the research, landing pages that draw a person’s attention to one main call-to-action (in other words, a link) have a conversion rate of 13.5 percent, while landing pages with five or more call-to-actions or links have an average conversion rate of 10.5 percent.

Another important aspect of any landing page, or website for that matter, is how fast or slow it loads. Not sure what’s slowing down your page? Images are a likely source. Landing pages with few to no images have a conversion rate of 11.4 percent, while pages with more than 1 MB of oversized images have a rate of 9.8 percent. The research also discovered that “social proof,” meaning photos of customers, testimonials, and social media posts, is great for businesses to have on their websites and help build trust with consumers, ultimately leading to more sales. However, most businesses don’t add any social proof to their sites — in fact, more than three-quarters of marketers say they don’t have it on their sites.